Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Spring break has felt like a small commercial in my dramatic movie of a life.

But the last class we had, we started off by watching the film "The Last Summer" which was a thesis movie by Cory Womack. The film by Cory shed a little light on how much work goes into a small movie. He said that he has spent the past semester just on editing. I heard that and stepped back (figuratively). That was much more time than i actually expected that he put into it. I thought, only 16 minutes and it took a semester of editing??

In any case, if that was a lot of time (seeing how it is his thesis) it was still a little eye opening to see a peer go through everything.

After the short film, we looked into the effect that editing has on a movie. We watched videos on youtube that took a horror film and a family film and switched the genres completely in the trailer. "The Shining" a horror film, which i have watched in one sitting, is a terrifying movie. To turn this into a family film is a stretch, but the editing turned it to a believable family film. When someone next to me asked, "Is "The Shining" a scary movie?" I laughed, but then realized how effective the "happy trailer" actually was. I knew that editing was important, but it can make a film much scarier if it is a horror film.

To finish the class off, we split into our groups and talked about of film project. I won't go into detail here, so that it can be fresh when people actually view it, but i will say that our film has changed quite a bit from our first idea. We plan on having a small number of people actually on set during the filming as group 2 gave us advice on the amount of people that actually need to be present.

As the filming process of our short film project is getting closer, i am gaining confidence on how it is going to come together. Hopefully people will think that it is funnier than we try to make it and find something especially funny in it.

Until next week. Same website, same webtime, same yea...

This spring break really did go by fast too.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so did everything else! Can you believe we're already at the end?
