Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blip Blip

Watching the clips about editing in the LotR and Star Wars gives me a whole new perspective to the extent of work that goes into making these huge movies. I used to think as to why on earth it took so long to make movies. Now I know. Seeing how many different groups of people there are on a staff that spend all of their time editing and doing things behind the scenes its amazing how much wok they put into everything and how many things need to be done by other people.

I loved how the boom stick guy talked about how his arms would go numb from holding the boom for so long. The behind the scenes portion about the sound effects was great, and i liked how they go through so many different sounds to get the perfect one. Some of the sounds they got i wasn't prepared to hear about, but it made a ferocious sound in the end.

To the camera angles. The movies today have become very creative in getting the best view possible. A lot of it has to do with the amount of money they are able to put into everything, but directors are thinking about every little detail to make it perfect. Being able to do everything in front of a green screen and know that in the end it will look realistic is completely amazing. The technology and skills of the people behind it is astonishing.

Lastly, the extent of work that the director and editors go through together was new to me. I had always assumed that directors just did on set stuff and other than that nothing. There's a lot of stuff that a director actually goes through to make a movie. I like the storyboards that the directors make to visualize what they want to see in the film. Even if they are not exactly what is going to end up in the scene, the director is still able to get bigger and better ideas.

On a different note, i heard that the black circle that shows up on the screen for half a second at movie theaters during movies is because of editing. Maybe it is just putting everything together .... idk. just thought someone would know

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

As the first day of Film Class goes. I am starting to get the sense of how much a movie amateur i really am. I always enjoyed movies, always watched movies. I never really appreciated the movies though. Looking where we came from, with the moving horse, to the day in the life of a fireman. There's a lot of room in between where movies have changed. The fact that a woman ran out of the theater made me laugh, and i only wondered what she would have done if 3d movies came out back then. Thinking about why it makes me laugh, is why i feel like i am naive to the concept of appreciating movies. I never knew what the first movies were like, besides the lack of color.

Seeing the older clips and the scenes that revolutionized the theory behind the theater was a different approach to the subject. Learning about the magic trick way to shoot a clip, as simple as it sounds today i never fully thought about how crazy it was for the time. It really is humbling to find out how much I am going to actually learn in a class that i thought i knew quite a bit about in the first place.

It never clicked in my head what it was like before camera angles were taken into full usage. How the simple view change, altered movie making and theater completely. It really goes to show how most people see movies as pure entertainment, when all they see is the movie and themes, when there is so much detail put into everything that is shown on the screen. Watching Avatar the first time, i loved the plot and action. Watching it the second time, I could focus on some of the smaller things that i was unable to notice the first. Like how realistic the plants looked when he hit it and it shrunk to a miniscule size. How in depth the scenes were, even if it is green screen at times. Speaking of.. the green screen is an amazing piece of work in itself. But back on topic, the details that you dont think about the first time, and slowly begin to notice as you watch more and more, are some things that I have been oblivious to when watching most movies, and usually have taken it all for granted.

This being my first blog and first ever film class of any sort, i am excited to see what i learn.